Member Community Commitment (MCC) - "Dues Policy for Membership"
Each member determines the level of support for the congregation that they are best able to provide. Members are not invoiced for a specified dues amount but rather are asked to make a personal “Member Community Commitment” (MCC). On July 1 each year, all members are sent a request to make a MCC by completing the pledge form through the temple’s website or by returning the completed pledge form in the mail. Members are asked to indicate the amount of their annual pledge and their preferred payment method. Payment may be completed at the same time through the Temple Website or members may schedule monthly or quarterly payments.
Thank you for being a member of our Beth Hillel Temple family and for completing your 2024 – June 2025 Member Community Commitment (MCC) pledge. If you haven't registered your pledge for this year, you can do so here.
How do I determine my Pledge amount?The amount of your pledge is a personal decision and entirely your choice. The reality is the temple can’t operate without the generosity of all of its members and each member must decide the amount based on their own ability to pay. We can, however, provide an understanding of the Sustaining amount which represents the average cost shared by all members.
What is the sustaining amount?The sustaining amount is the total amount of the annual operating budget divided by the current number of member units. This includes only our operating expenses, i.e. utilities, programming, and salaries for the Rabbi and other staff. It does not reflect needs for any significant repairs or improvements. to: This includes operating expenses such as utilities, programming and salaries for the Rabbi and other staff. The sustaining amount does not include costs for significant repairs or improvements. The sustaining amount for the year July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024 is $3,000. It is understandable that this level of giving is out of reach for many members. Members are encouraged to pledge what they are able. As noted earlier, the temple’s costs are increasing 6.25% this year. If possible, please increase from the prior year’s contributions to help the temple deal with rising costs.
What are the payment options?It is preferable that pledges are paid when the pledge form is returned, as this reduces the costs of mailing out invoices and allows for better cash flow. However, payments can also be made quarterly or monthly. Payments are due on the 1st of the month beginning July 1 when the pledge form is returned. Quarterly Payments are due July 1, Oct 1, Jan 1, and April 1. Payments may be made online through the temple’s website or paper checks may be mailed in. The temple website offers payment through Electronic Funds Transfer from his/her bank (ACH), or payments may be made by credit card. Note that there is now a 3% bank service fee for credit cards. Additionally, payment can be made through the donation of appreciated stock. Contact the temple office for instructions.
Does a member need to talk to someone if they are unable to pledge the sustaining amount?NO. All the member needs to do is complete the pledge form In July each year. Members do not need to provide an explanation.
What if I am unable to pay any amount?All are welcome to be members of Beth Hillel Temple without regard to the amount pledged. We ask only that an MCC pledge form is submitted so that you may be counted as a member. No one will question the pledge amount.
Are pledge amounts confidential?YES. It will be known only to those with a specific need to know. The office administrator will enter the information into our billing system. The financial administrator oversees the process and may only summarize pledge figures for budgeting. Individual information will not be shared.
Will anyone contact me about my MCC Pledge?No one would contact a member about MCC as long as a pledge form is submitted and the payment as indicated on the form is completed.
What happens if I do not return the pledge form or fall behind on payments?It is critical that all members return their forms promptly so that pledges can be entered into the billing system. If a member is unable to fulfill their pledge as the fiscal year progresses or a change to their payment plans is necessitated, the member should contact the office administrator for an adjustment to the invoice. Again, no explanation or justification is required.
What defines a member?For statistical purposes, the congregation reports its membership in terms of “member units”. A member unit is a household composed of an individual or a family, which includes at least one Jewish person. We no longer establish different requirements or guidelines for annual support for individuals and family member units as we did in the past. Membership is confirmed each year when the MCC pledge form is received.
How will school tuition and other programming fees be handled?There are no separate fees for religious school and programming. However, it is encouraged to add a donation to the Education Fund to help support the religious school program.
Does the Temple still need donations?YES. Donations from members and non-members are a critical portion of Temple funding. Members are encouraged to take advantage of the many opportunities to donate in honor of someone or as a memorial. Additionally, fundraising may be needed to enable and enhance programming. The annual member community commitment does not cover larger capital needs. Special campaigns may be required from time to time to support investment in the building and endowments.